03 December 2012

ACA troublesome start

(Note: The Greenville News, our local newspaper, recently printed an editorial on the troubles being uncovered with the Affordable Health Care Act [ACA and/or Obamacare]. Not sure they will print my letter, so I thought I'd self-publish.) 

You're kidding, right? What you call missteps of the federal government regarding the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) amount to nothing more than political pandering. To withhold key information until after the election is a travesty of justice, and certainly not the transparency promised by President Obama and his administration.

Add to the ACA turmoil, the misinformation that was deliberately distributed by the White House about the attack in Benghazi that resulted in the death of a U.S. Ambassador. Again, done prior to the election so that the American people were kept in the dark.

 There are numerous examples of deception, corruption, greed and intentional misinformation coming from the White House. And, yet, so much of what legitimately happens in the world never gets reported. Instead, we are left to scour Internet news sources, where any idiot can spew his thoughts as if they are gospel truth. Even worse, they can become viral, with no thought to accuracy or validity. 

Honestly, there is so little truth in media these days that it's no wonder President Obama was re-elected. And all I can say is this: get ready for more troublesome events. We are going to be taxed and tried over the next four years. Pop psychologist Dr. Phil says the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. We've had four years of a government that has lied about its jobs creation program, spent money in a debilitating and destructive manner and given funding to pet projects and questionable campaign contributors. So we should not expect the next four years to be different.

 By the same token, I hold the rest of Congress equally responsible for the mess we are in. Who could pass a more than 2,000 page law (the ACA, aka Obamacare) without even reading it? And our Supreme Court Justices, in their deliberation over the constitutionality of the law, asked if they were expected to read it? I'll say it again: are you kidding me?

 It seems nothing is beyond this administration as it tries to implement Obama's plans for "hope and change." I encourage citizens to actually do some solid research, read some of the documents released by the White House, dig deep and see exactly what is driving the President is his quest to change America. Then we need to start holding our elected officials responsible for their actions.


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